As a professional company in the field of healthcare facilities integration, the services we provide to our clients with respect to medical equipment consultancy include:
1- Translating the client desired workflow of the healthcare facility into an optimal solution consisting of Implementation drawings and Room by Room Equipment Lists that mainly consider the international standards and codes for Patient and End User Safety. This result is achieved through close coordination of our team of engineers with the architectural designer.
2- Upon the Room-by-Room Equipment Lists, the relevant Bill of Quantity and the relevant resources, services, and provisions are introduced to produce estimated cost and project implementation phases.
3- The estimated budget for medical equipment, medical furniture and non-medical furniture is prepared.
4- Contractual documents and technical specifications that reflect the clients’ desired workflow and state of the art technical specifications are prepared.
5- Evaluations and price negotiations in tenders are carried out by our professional members.
6- Supervision of project execution and handing over is carried out to achieve maximal gain to the client to make the start-up phase as smooth as possible.
“Our side carries out the above services in a professional way in order to achieve maximum gain to the client, while staying within the required budget”.